Monday 16 January 2012

Not all wounds heal

Learn to Never love; with all of your heart
Only some of it, and save another part
Cause if relations fail, it will fall all apart

True when they said, not all wounds heal
You cannot always see, the pain people feel
Sometimes the wound is closed by a seal
You will see a fake smile and think it is real
But the truth will never completely reveal

When you give a honest sorry, in the heart you dive
You help it by hope, and you help it survive
Do you see how a "Sorry" helps the heart revive?
You help it stand up, and it shouts I'm ALIVE!

Sunday 15 January 2012

طرق سهلة لاتّباع سنة نبيّنا محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم

​​​​​​​​​ إذا نشرنا السنن ماتت البدع

1 - أن تتابع المؤذن وأن تقول مثل ما يقول ..
2 - ابتداء صلاة الليل بركعتين خفيفتين ..
3 - الأكل بثلاثة أصابع ..
4 - لا يشربن أحدُ منكم قائماً ..
5 - التنفس أثناء الشرب ثلاث مرات ..
6 - الجهر بالذكر بعدالصلاة ..
7 - النوم على طهارة ..
8 - التزاور في الله ..
9 - نفض الفراش عند النوم ..
10 - معاونة الأهل في أعمال المنزل ..
11- تغيير الشيب بغير السواد ..
12- لبس البياض من الثياب للرجال ..
13- المصافحة عند اللقاء ..
14- أخذ اللقمة الساقطة وإماطة ما بها من أذى و أكلها ..
15- النوم على الشق الأيمن ..
16- عيادة المريض ..
17- لا تشمت العاطس حتى يحمد الله ..
18- من السنة قتل الوزغ ..( السحلية)
19- تنحية الأذى عن الطريق سنة ..
20- اكل التمر او الرطب وترا(9،7،5،3،1)..
21- عدم النفخ في الشراب.
انشرسنته لتحظى بدعوه..

قال صلى الله عليه و سلم:
«من أحيا سنة من سنتي فعمل بها الناس
كان لـه مثل أجر من عمل بها
لا ينقص من أجورهم شيئا

Friday 13 January 2012

Love All, trust few, and do wrong to none

Love All, trust few, & do wrong to none
Apply it on people & you're number one
Its love that spreads in our life the fun

Make every meeting as if its the last
Cause one day, you'll hear a blast
Your loved one is gone, that was so fast
You'll have no chance, to correct the past
Your heart is broken, with no healing cast

Your loved one has left, with no goodbye
You're left all alone, with eyes that cry
Fulfilled with tears that wish to fly
To release, to decrease, the pain in the eye

But The pain of the heart & the pain of the soul
To the eyes these cannot be compared at all
Then memories and flashbacks suddenly recall
Where a tear gets to hear, drop and fall

All what we wish that they're in a better place
Living happily in heaven with a smile on the face

Poem Number one! My first try :p

Stop complaining if your life was bad
Life is mixed between Happy and sad
No one gets to live all his life just glad

Even happy people you see have hard times
But they have in their life some rules & signs
That after each dark knight, the sun always shines!

Even in darkness you can see a star
Always beautiful, but sometimes far

Shows us that worries are here for reasons
They go and come just like seasons

Beneath them are lessons for us to understand
But you won't, if you don't, Strongly stand!

Learn to live your life to its most
Not under fear, you're not a ghost
Just give it, and live it, before its lost

Don't waste your tears, just stop that cry
Stop killing your heart, don't let it die
You can own the world if you give it try!